Ridgedale Local School District
The Stay Safe. Speak Up! Hotline is provided for students and parents to report any safety concern, 24/7 via phone call. You can choose to leave a voicemail or speak to a live attendant. The attendant can also transfer you to free, confidential, and immediate crisis intervention.
Tap the blue button below to initiate a phone report regarding your safety concern.
Important things to know:
- The more you tell us, the more we can help you.
- Your information will not be shared with anyone other than those involved with helping you and investigating your issue.
- Your report will be reviewed by your school administration and reasonable action will be taken to address the situation that is consistent with the due-process rights of the person alleged to have committed the acts.
Prank reports will not be tolerated and may be investigated.
Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false or misleading report or counsels another to make a false or misleading report may be subject to criminal and/or civil liability. Known violators are subject to prosecution to the maximum extent possible under the law. The IP address of the electronic device used for submitting information through this reporting system is logged and may be used to investigate a suspected false or misleading report.